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The Garden I Never Wanted

Last summer my husband really wanted to plant a fairly large vegetable garden in our backyard. I was against it from the start. Don’t get me wrong, I love having fresh garden veggies, but I had a feeling that my hubby would merely help me plant and then leave me to deal with all the watering, weeding, etc. With two little ones at home, a part-time job, volunteering with my church, etc., etc., I just didn’t feel like I had the time and energy to deal with such a large project and completely resisted my husband’s garden planning. Well, much to my surprise, my husband tilled, prepped, fertilized, planted and took care of a beautiful garden all summer long and we ended up with this: I know, super amazing and yummy, right?!?!? It was wonderful eating tomatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, and squash and knowing that we could eat BLTs for dinner all month. Of course we did it again this summer and this time Scott was even gone for the month of June. Yes, I realized I could handle it. One key to our success: laying landscape material. This pretty much makes weeding non-existent. A lot of sun and an automatic sprinkling system help a lot too! Here are some veggies we've been enjoying lately:
If you haven’t ever had a garden and want to, I encourage you to try. If you already have a great garden please share your success stories or yummy recipes. BLTs are easy and super yummy. My family also loved the great squash soup recipe found here.


p.s. I never did an intro blog. I’m Tara, mom of two girls, wife of Scott, and a part-time research assistant for a large research company. I love being with family and friends, traveling, shopping, reading, watching movies, and enjoying the outdoors.


Alicia said...

Sweet! Good to see you, Tares. What is landscape material? I'd really like to know. I think that's what we need!

GeNee said...

That looks like a wonderful garden. I just love bacon and tomato sandwiches with corn on the cob. In fact I went to a restaurant and that is what I ordered.

scott and tara said...

Alicia - if you click on "landscape material" there is a link to what it looks like if you go to buy it at Home Depot. It is basically a kind of biodegradable cloth you can lay down on all your garden areas and then the weeds can't gron through. In my flower gardens I lay that down and then put the mulch chips on top of it.

spudette said...

Beautiful garden! I have big plans for next year . . .

Jessica Reid said...

I can't wait to have a garden. So jealous.