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Wedding Websites: Useful or faux pas?

Wedding website: Yes or no? As guests, friends and/or family of weddings in the recent past have you benefited from someones wedding website? Its supposed to be an easy way of passing information along and staying up to date on the couple and their event. It isn't a lot of work, but is it a necessity? What are your thoughts....

My initial thought is ,yes, I think it would be useful. However, I always wonder how these newer concepts and traditions would be conceived by the one and only Emily Post. I like to do what is courteous, proper and tasteful as much as possible. I just don't want to add more to my to do list if it isn't useful and received well by the people who would be hopefully visiting the site.


Jacquelyn Sherry said...

I'm cool with wedding websites. I'm just not a fan of wedding facebook groups.

Alicia said...

It is YOUR wedding. Do whatever the heck you want!!! Please, shmeeze! It's YOUR day! Just have YOUR day, you deserve it. Of course, I want to steal your wedding planning and have you make a bell ladies page of it. Ha!

Raquel said...

I'm certain that my family is slightly worried that I will take that 'MY DAY' stuff straight to my head. I'm trying to remember to be reasonable while also getting exactly what I want.

Uhh wedding facebook groups need to go. That sounds cheese-tastic!

Raquel said...

Oh and I'll be happy to include the Bell Ladies -- I just don't want everyone to get tired of my wedding before I figure out when its going to be.... hahaha!