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What camera should I buy?

I like putting pictures on my computer and editing them. Last Christmas, my parents gave me my first digital camera after a long sabbatical from photography. I have just loved having it and it has been so nice! Now, Brandon and I are considering getting another camera to replace his that broke. We'd like to get a really good deal on it like maybe get one from Overstock.com or something. We need the best quality, most pixels, etc. that we can get for no more than $200. So all you photographers out there, point me in the best direction please (no pun intended)! Here's a pretty picture I took at the St. George Utah Temple when Brandon and I were honeymooning and here's how it looks after I edited it. This next part is for my mom, my mother-in-law and all my cute friends who are scared of their computers. This is so easy to do! First say in your mind:
My computer is not the boss of me. It will not get ruined if I press the wrong button. If I happen to press the wrong button, I can always start over and it is no big deal. I am not dumb if I press the wrong button. And anyway, I can sew and cook my way around all those people who press the right button. They have nothing on me so there.
Then point your mouse on the lower-left of your computer screen where it says "Start". Then, choose "Pictures". Then all your picture folders will come up. Choose a picture you'd like to edit. Double-click on it. Then, look at the top of the picture for the 'tool bar' and choose "Fix." Then, on the right-hand side you'll see all your options. Just play around with all the controls and see what happens to your picture. Then, it's so easy to save your new picture: just use the forward arrow key at the bottom (middle) of the picture on the bottom 'tool bar'. Have fun doing this! I love it!


Unknown said...

For less than $200? Look into the Lumix line... very happy with mine!

kaitlyn said...

check out costco... they have the best deals and RETURNS after you have tried it out. i think 90 days. do it!