Answer: Me. Dang! I don't eat crust and so no telling the spouse "I only had 1 or 2 slices."
So I bought this pie on Monday and it's now Friday. It looks like in 5 days, I have consumed 6 slices of pumpkin pie minus the crust. I don't feel bad though because I've skipped lunches and snacks to get by eating pie. I have been the busiest this week I've ever been with so many projects. And so I work work work until I'm too hungry to work and then I fork in some pumpkin pie filling. I love the fall! In the past few days I've organized the closets and drawers and I've rearranged the furniture in all the rooms! And I've started typing up a new directory for the Relief Society. I started a sewing project at Enrichment. I've made plans for the baby shower I'm having for Shalise and I've organized photos of Gloria in honor of her being 5 months. Brandon's been busy working on his proposal for work. And all the while, there's this awesome fall breeze coming in through the windows. It's been heaven. Shalise's baby shower is going to be Saturday, October 24th 12-1ish pm so you can plan ahead. Details will be coming as it gets closer.
No worries... I would totally eat that much, no problem!
I love the fall too! I feel so alive when it comes around. The only problem with living in the beautiful Los Angeles is fall comes later.... I'm ready for it in September but it doesn't really come until about Halloween. :(
Pumpkin pie is the perfect way to get in the autumn mood. I'll be cooking with squash a lot too!
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