
You are invited to blog on Bell Ladies, a blog for women who share a love for literature, music, cooking, health & fitness, and anything pretty. Share your good news, store & sales, creativity, and feelings. If you'd like to blog with us, send an E-mail to bell.ladies@gmail.com . Include your full name and how you found our blog. We are excited to blog with you!


Blog Sale Cont...EVERYTHING here bid starts at $10

...again, send questions to bell.ladies@gmail.com if you'd like to know more details about an item. Then, leave a comment with your bid and I will contact you to arrange for payment and pickup.

Wish me luck! That treadmill is calling me. I'm going to raise what funds I can with my blog sale and then make Brandon pay for the rest. It's like that seminary video with the kid and the bike, right? He has to agree. Btw, I don't know the first thing about buying a treadmill. I know they can be dangerous for kids so I'm wondering if you have recommendations? Are there treadmills out there where you can "lock" them with a key to keep kids from getting injured? What's the best kind of treadmill to buy? What's a good price range? Etc.

1 comment:

spudette said...

That purse is way cute! I'm going to e-mail you about it!